Daille's Musings of the Day

Wow, I have come a long way, but I still have a ways to go. I love the music business, but sometimes it doesn't love you back. Now one of my biggest challenges is getting press. Press really drives your career, especially when it's positive! It also helps when a prominent music critic has some good things to say about you. How do you get press? How do yo invite these individuals to hear your shows and performances---your latest CD to get a review? Well, it ain't easy. You can't just ask once. You have to be on top of it ALL THE TIME. You keep asking. And bugging people everyday can be a pain to some people, so there is a catch. You don't want to turn people off from you altogether. However, you have to keep in mind, THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHO YOU ARE. There must be a way to keep the buzz going without the turnoff factor. Is there anybody out there who can help me? The good news is, I discovered an internet radio station called JangoAirplay, (go to (jango.com), and found a way to have my music played on there. So today I have fans as far away as Germany, Romania, Israel, and Brazil because of that station. And some people have left encouraging comments about the music as well as to tell me to keep the faith and stay in the music--"keep it coming!" one fan said. So in spite of it all, I'm going to hang in there and produce. Next time, I tackle the subject of technophobia in an industry driven by technology. So until then, this is Daille signing off. Remember, you say my name, 'Dale." (smiles)

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