Trying Times

The loss of a loved one. It's very tough to take for anyone in general under any circumstances. But when that person is your mother--the woman who carried you, bore you, had unconditional love for you, who made sure you had food, clothing, and shelter, who taught you the little things, who made sure your education was paid in full, who was there for you no matter what, who listened, who was there to pick you up when you fell, who cheered you on in your success--grief can be really challenging. I miss my Mom so much! Terribly! Just to hear another story, her words of wisdom, eat her DELICIOUS food! She was truly my biggest fan. I loved my mother dearly, but what I wouldn't do for the chance to talk MORE about her past, her life experiences, our family history...I still talk to her. I ask her for advice--what she would do if she were me. Same as my Dad, whom I lost five years ago. That was hard. But when BOTH parents are gone, and you're an only child, you need all the help you can get. Thank God I have a supportive family whom I love, as well as friends that have been helping me along the way. My parents lived to be a ripe old age, but they lost their battles with cancer. Please remember to take good care of yourself. Smoking is bad for you. I'm glad it's a habit I never got into. One evening in January of this year, I lost my Mom in the hospital, but she was surrounded by me and close family loved ones. I knew she wouldn't have it any other way. Mom lived a great life, and she and my Dad had a wonderful married life together. They were able to do many things, including educating young people, traveling around the globe, and being active in their community. It is my hope that I live my life on my terms, taking "the bitter with the sweet," as Mom would say, and do what truly makes me happy. The fulfillment of dreams---to make them become a reality. I believe that with God at our side, we can control our own destiny. Whatever you believe, and whomever you believe in, just MAKE IT HAPPEN! Until next time...

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