Here We Go...Again

Someone said that if you do the same thing the same way expecting a change in the results, it's insanity. Why do we expect so much, yet give so little energy to change an outcome? It just doesn't work. When we devote more time and energy to the positive means to a positive end, we are more successful. I had a hard lesson to learn about associating myself with people who have a positive attitude, are humble, are ambitious, are intelligent, who perpetually seek knowledge, and who refuse to do the same thing the same way expecting a change in results. I need to take responsibility for my actions, good or bad. I need to surround myself in an environment where people also take responsibility rather than make excuses. There is not enough time in the day to leave anything to chance. Life is too short, and BS can no longer be tolerated. When I examined my past experiences, I mean, really took a hard look at what others around me were doing, and when I allowed my better judgment to accept the poor actions of others--I realized one thing. I need to walk away from these individuals, because they are preventing me from being the best I can be. Friendship is not the same thing as business, and if friends are not good business partners, then you have to work on making the separations between the two and eliminate them as business partners. You have to learn your business from the ground up and ask questions to those who can help you become better at what you do. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. You can rely on the strengths of these individuals, and at the same time share your own with them, thus building a powerful business team. Here we go...again. Let's try to get it right, everybody. We can do it!

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