Previous events


Celebrate Daille and Mary's birthday in the V Lounge in Cherry Hill! Yes, that's right, Mary and Daille are back again in Jersey at Eddie V's in the Cherry Hill Mall! Mary's Quartet is superb! Join them for an extra special event!

MC 2NspireU performs for Atlantic City's Inaugural International Women's Day Celebration for LGBTQIA+ Women & Friends. Join us for an afternoon of scrumptious cuisine, live music by Mary Cross 2NspireU with Daille at the keyz, Comedian Michelle Tomko, and hosted by Atlantic City's own, Judah Dorrington, the LGBTQIA+ Liaison.

RSVP by March 4th


Daille Kettrell Trio

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Wilson's Restaurant & Live Music Lounge, 709 Warwick Road, Hi-Nella, NJ 08083

Join Daille and her trio for a jazz -filled evening! This is her debut at Wilson's. The band will feature fabulous jazz, jazz/soul, and her original music!There is NO COVER GENERAL ADMISSION, but for parties of 6 or more $10 per person. Doors open at 6pm. TWO FULL SETS!

$10.00 for parties of 6+