Daille's Recent News

Daille wishes to thank all of her fans for their support. This journey called life has put some obstacles in her path, but rest assured she will persevere and will not give up! Finally this website is up and running once again! Daille is constantly learning and exploring new things. It is not easy for her to post to this website and address all its needs as effectively as she would like, but that day is coming when she can. At the moment, she is the keyboardist/musical director for the band, Pristine Raeign. This Wilmington, DE based band has been on the move and Daille has been with the group since 2014. This is serious business. Because the band is working on a very regular basis, she has to prepare for all of the engagements and make sure the band is ready for each one. However, Daille will continue to pursue her songwriting and will make her music available for purchase as soon as it is feasible. And you never know WHERE she will turn up working at an event. She will keep you posted. She encourages and invites all of her fans to check out Pristine Raeign's website, join their mailing list, Like their Facebook Page, and follow them on Twitter. www.pristineraeignmusic.com This is something Daille is very passionate about, and really wants people to be a part of the positive energy emanating from it. If you love great music and entertainment, Pristine Raeign is an oasis. If you have not done so already, please make sure you "Like" Daille's Facebook Band Page, Daille Kettrell & Khamelion. It is used for sharing this band's events as well as Pristine Raeign's--and whatever seems appropriate regarding music and/or music education.

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